Why social media for business is important and how you can maximize your fashion business using SIIWII

Having an apparel business without a social media presence is setting up your business for failure especially in the Post-COVID era we are in at the moment. Social media for business is essential in building an authentic community, building authentic human connections and gaining trust from your audience. Did you know that 89% of consumers say they’ll purchase products or services that have a consistent social media presence and Interacting with customers on social media leads them to spend 20-40% more money on products and services.

Social media is not just for sharing pretty pictures of your products, it is a gateway to connecting with your industry focused B2B audience in the fashion industry by telling your story about your business and brand.


On SIIWII social media for business is reimagined to help your apparel business gain the trust and build the human connection like never before through the SIIWII social feed. The worries of whether you are targeting the right audience in the apparel and fashion industry is over, as the SIIWII community is where your audience is at, all in one place. With the SIIWII social feed you have a greater chance of promoting your business and products to the right audience, storytelling with visually appealing videos and photos, building an authentic connection with potential partners and gaining global exposure for your apparel products. As brand discovery from online sources comes through social media 52% of the time, the SIIWII social feed is the perfect place to market your apparel products to potential buyers.

The social collaboration in the SIIWII Marketplace ties to the social feed, as potential buyers have instant access to view information about your products on the marketplace from spotting a post of your product on the SIIWII social feed. Also with comments and emoji reactions, you can see the feedback of the audience towards your products giving you data about what they are looking for and what they prefer.

Join SIIWII for free today and start connecting and networking in the apparel and fashion industry!